Avoid Sewer Backups Caused by Thanksgiving Food

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Properly Dispose of Fats, Oils, and Grease

INDIANAPOLIS – As you prepare to cook for Thanksgiving, it’s important to be mindful of how the foods you dispose of could affect your plumbing and the sewer system near your home. Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are found in many Thanksgiving staples like turkey, stuffing, and gravy. When washed down the drain, FOG can cause sewer backups and necessitate costly repairs to your home plumbing system.

FOG enters the sewer system in a liquid state when it’s washed down a drain or a garbage disposal or flushed down the toilet. FOG solidifies and attaches to the sewer system’s pipes and joints, which, over time, can block pipes and cause a backup.

How to dispose of FOG:

• Pour fats, oils, and grease into a small container. Once they solidify, place the container in the trash.
• Wipe grease off pots, pans, and dishes before washing them.
• For restaurants or other food-preparation establishments, FOG can be a valuable resource as a recyclable. FOG can be sold to rendering companies for use in soaps, fertilizers, and animal feed.
• Do not put used oil, oil-based paints, solvents, or other chemicals down sewer lines or storm drains. Dispose of them at an Indianapolis ToxDrop site.

Citizens Energy Group must respond to FOG blockages with urgency, including removal of the blockage and investigation into the source of origin. Reducing FOG is easy to do and well worth your time.

About Citizens Energy Group
Citizens Energy Group provides safe and reliable utility services to about 900,000 people in the Indianapolis area. Citizens operates its utilities for the benefit of customers and the community.

Media Contact Information
Laura O'Brien
Phone: 317-519-1515
Email: media@citizensenergygroup.com