Sewer Upgrade Will Restrict All But Bus And Bike Traffic Through the 5-Way Intersection of New York Street, Capitol Avenue, Indiana Avenue Beginning On Or After August 19

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The sewer improvement comes after the successful completion of three manhole projects in the Mile Square in July.

INDIANAPOLIS – Citizens Energy Group today announced that construction will begin on or after August 19 to upgrade critical sewer infrastructure within the five-way intersection of Capitol Avenue, New York Street and Indiana Avenue. Crews expect the road work and associated roadway restrictions to last about three weeks.

Barricades delineating the zone of active construction will leave space only for the New York Street bike lane and the bus traffic on Capitol Avenue (including Red Line traffic) to traverse the intersection. While all adjacent parking lots and property entrances will retain access, vehicles will not be able to move through the intersection for the project’s duration.

New York Street through traffic (one-way eastbound) will detour via Senate Avenue, Ohio Street, and Illinois Street.

Southeast-bound Indiana Avenue through traffic may also detour south at Senate Avenue and then east on Ohio Avenue; the detour will end at Capitol Avenue.

Capitol Avenue through traffic (one-way southbound) will detour via Vermont Street, Senate Avenue, and Ohio Street.

Citizens Energy Group successfully completed three similar upgrades to sewer infrastructure in the Mile Square during the month of July at locations along Ohio, Delaware, and North streets. Regular improvements to the city’s wastewater infrastructure ensures the long-term resilience and success of vital sanitary systems in Indianapolis.

Citizens Energy Group reminds travelers to heed all signage and to be especially careful when near an active construction zone. Citizens has worked in advance to communicate details of the construction project and the roadway restrictions to nearby property owners and stakeholders.

About Citizens Energy Group
Citizens Energy Group provides safe and reliable utility services to about 900,000 people in the Indianapolis area. Citizens operates its utilities for the benefit of customers and the community.

Media Contact Information
Ben Easley
Phone: 317-519-1515