Citizens wants to remind customers to take certain precautions to safeguard your HVAC and water systems in times with extended vacant or low occupancy of buildings. It’s a good time to research and follow industry guidelines and precautions related to best practices for your facilities.
Associations and business groups such as those listed below can be a good source of information.
- BOMA – Building Owners and Managers Association
- AWWA – American Water Works Association
- IDEA – International District Energy Association
- AGA – American Gas Association
- GIPHCC – Greater Indianapolis Plumbing - Heating - Cooling Contractors
- HVACINDIANA – Indiana HVAC Association
- ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
- Purdue University – Center for Plumbing Safety COVID-19 Response
Also, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has offered the links below from the CDC, AWWA, and Purdue University, as guidance to proper recommissioning procedures after a prolonged shutdown.
- Guidance for Flushing Public Water Systems
- Return to Service Guidance (AWWA)
- Water Quality in Low Occupancy and Shutdown Buildings (Purdue University)
- Guidance for Building Water Systems (CDC)
For frequently asked questions about our operations during this time of uncertainty, please visit the COVID-19 Response area of our website.