Has your construction project stalled or been put on hold because the temperatures have dropped?
Natural gas construction heat can help you keep your project on schedule and on budget.
Citizens Energy Group has developed the following guidelines for temporary heating needs.
- Gas hose must be protected from damage.
- Flexible gas hose shall be provided with gas shut off valves in readily accessible locations in rigid piping systems upstream from the flexible hose.
- At the appliance connection the connection must be made as follows: valve, nipple, union, the appliance.
- Temporary Construction Heaters must be listed or approved as such by a recognized agency.
- All piping systems must be in accordance with all applicable state and local codes and follow acceptable pipe installation practices.
- Any regulator used for construction heat shall be vented to open atmosphere if not designed by the manufacturer to be used with an approved leak limiting device. Flexible hose used for venting of regulators shall be AGA approved.
If you are in need of construction heat, please contact the New Service Contact Center at 317-927-4444 to get your questions answered and to receive the Construction Heat Agreement.