With spring weather arriving in central Indiana, you may want to think about shutting down your facility’s steam service. Failing to properly shut down steam service can cause corrosion and ultimately may reduce the life of your steam system. Citizens Energy Group recommends the following steps be taken:
- Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as leather gloves, long sleeves and eye protection while working on or around steam systems.
- Shut off the steam isolation valve inside your building.
- Tag and lock the steam service valve in the closed position.
- Open all drain valves to remove condensate from the steam system.
- Open available vent line valves to promote system drainage.
- Tag all drain valves in the open position.
About Citizens Thermal Business
Citizens Energy Group’s thermal business produces steam and chilled water. Our thermal system is the second largest of its kind in the U.S., with more than 250 commercial buildings and industries depending on steam for heat and more than 60 utilizing chilled water for cooling.
Citizens thermal system is managed by highly trained personnel and boasts 99 percent reliability year-round, with backup systems available.
Thermal energy is a cost-effective solution for many businesses as it reduces electric demand charges and eliminates capital investment and the need for boilers, chillers and cooling towers, which frees up usable “revenue-generating” space in your building. It is also sustainable and efficient, and the system is positioned for growth with $60 million in system investments since 2011.
If your business is interested in taking advantage of the benefits of thermal energy, contact Jeff Sinclair, Manager, Thermal Market Development, at jsinclair@citizensenergygroup.com or 317-927-4744.