Engauge Newsletter - Citizens Energy Group

ENERGY EFFICIENCY TIPS: Attic Improvements Can Make Home More Efficient

Written by Brett McClellan | 6/3/20 1:06 PM

To improve the efficiency of your home, be sure your attic is properly vented and sealed. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • In the summer, natural air flow in a well-vented attic moves hot air out of the attic, protecting roof shingles and removing moisture.
  • Attic fans are intended to cool hot attics by drawing in cooler, outside air from attic vents (soffit and gable) and pushing hot air to the outside.
  • Attic air sealing is one of the biggest opportunities for saving energy in existing homes.
  • Air sealing the leaky attic ceiling also reduces the “suction” (or stack effect) so less contaminants, such as radon and other soil gases, are drawn up into the house from the ground.