Engauge Newsletter - Citizens Energy Group

Healthy Citizens: May 2019 News

Written by Laura O'Brien | 5/7/19 5:55 PM

Learn about our recent Wellness Champion, get details on the upcoming Hustle for Muscle challenge, find out how you can learn to blend a better smoothie, and more!

April Wellness Champion

Congratulations to Lynn Studdard on being named April Wellness Champion! Lynn is routinely seen walking on her breaks and at lunch, always with a smile on her face. Her positive attitude and efforts to be active make her a great role model and inspiration for her colleagues.


Hustle for Muscle Challenge

The Hustle for Muscle Challenge begins on May 15 and focuses on building muscle while losing a percentage of body fat. Contact Sara Pickett for more details and to sign up. There is a $5 entry fee (payroll deduction only). Prizes will be announced at a later date.


Blend a Better Smoothie

This is a spin on our regular cooking class. Stop by anytime during the hours listed below to sample a nutrient-rich breakfast smoothie and receive additional recipes and handouts on blending a healthier smoothie. Hustle for Muscle participants earn points for attending.

Thursday, May 16, 7:30 - 9:00 am
Langsdale 1A - Small Cafe

Thursday, May 16, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Corporate - Outside the Leadership Conference Room


Helpful Hint from HR

If you are turning 65 this year and still working, you should not enroll in Medicare Part A or B because you forfeit your HSA contributions!


Citizens Employees Keep Mini-Marathon Participants Hydrated

Employees arrived at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at the crack of dawn on Saturday, May 4 to volunteer their time providing water to runners and walkers at the 43rd running of the Mini-Marathon. Citizens has served as the presenting sponsor of the 500 Festival Volunteer Program for the past eight years.