Engauge Newsletter - Citizens Energy Group

SAFETY TIPS: Reminders for Outdoor Summer Fun

Written by Doug Buffington | 7/29/21 1:34 PM

As you enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming and camping this summer, remember to be prepared and keep safety in mind.  

  • Use sunscreen and reapply often to avoid sunburn. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, getting one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence doubles your chances of developing melanoma later in life.  
  • Swim safely. Never swim alone, and never take your eyes off a child in the water who cannot swim, even if they are wearing a life jacket. Children can drown without splashing or calling for help.  
  • Use insect repellent to protect against mosquito bites and ticks. Adults can use repellants with 10–40 percent DEET, but the CDC recommends that DEET should never be used on infants. It’s better to apply on your clothing than your skin.  
  • Never leave a child or pet in a car, even with the windows cracked.