At the May Leadership Forum, two employees were named Customer Champions. The winners have demonstrated the best practices of owning the customer experience and are helping foster a customer-first culture, a key to achieving our vision, at Citizens Energy Group.
John Kivett
Fire Inspection Specialist
Water Distribution
John Kivett (on left in photo) has been named a Customer Champion Award Winner in recognition of his exceptional service to National Institute for Fitness
& Sport, or NIFS.
A DigIndy contractor was working near NIFS when the facility’s water service was interrupted. Not only did the interruption result in
NIFS having to close early, but it also occurred during the NFL Combine when numerous athletes had pre-arranged workouts.
Because of his superior knowledge of the NIFS facility and its water service, John was called in to assist Water Operations. He took
immediate action, working with the NIFS maintenance manager to shut the water off and close all of the valves without starving the units of cooling water. His quick thinking prevented the heat exchanger from being abruptly shut down and sustaining serious damage.
NIFS President Jerry Taylor and Maintenance Manager Victor Bristow felt very fortunate that John was on site that day, and that he
has such extensive knowledge of their service and building.
In his excellent service to NIFS, John made it personal and truly acted with urgency. He identified unvoiced needs when he noted the
pressing nature of the situation, and he collaborated with NIFS staff to provide a best-case scenario outcome for the customer.
Zachary (Zac) McHone
System Administrator
Information Technology
Zac McHone (on right in photo) is being recognized as a Customer Champion Award Winner for going above and beyond to resolve an infrequent but
recurring technical issue for Gas Engineering.
While working on a gas design project, one of the technical specialists encountered an error that would not allow her to complete
the project. The manager of gas system integrity had received the same error almost two years ago, and Zac was able to assist with the problem then, so the team reached back out to him directly this time around. Zac took the initiative to research the problem on his own time, and he worked until midnight one evening to find a resolution.
Because of Zac’s persistence, the error was resolved, the project was completed on time and the technical specialist has experienced no further delays in her work. The fact that Zac was willing to spend personal time researching and resolving the issue for Gas Engineering demonstrates that he would go above and beyond for any customer.