Engauge Newsletter - Citizens Energy Group

QUALITY CORNER: New After-Action Review Resource and Recent Certifications

Written by Susan Harris | 9/14/21 2:47 PM

Learn more about a new After-Action Review resource, our Trust-wide metrics, and recent belt certifications.

After-Action Reviews 

An After-Action Review (AAR), first introduced by the U.S. Army, is a structured review that allows open discussion between employees to analyze what happened, why it happened, and what lessons can be shared with others to encourage continuous improvement. As we approach the end of fiscal year 2021, now is a good time to reflect on specific events, projects, and/or objectives to learn from previous mistakes or successes and to identify potential areas for improvement. 

To support One Company, One Culture, a new After-Action Review page is now available on Quality’s iTrust site. Having areas complete AARs in a centralized location allows for better visibility and action item tracking across the Trust. Quality also has developed new After Action Review training available in CSA for employees to learn more about AARs and how to capture information utilizing the AAR form on iTrust. A quick reference guide on conducting an AAR is available on Quality’s CI Tools iTrust page.  

If you have questions, are interested in conducting an AAR, and/or want support from Quality either facilitating or capturing notes, please email CLASS@citizensenergygroup.com. 


Trust-Wide Continuous Improvement Metrics  

As of August 25, 418 employees have participated in at least one Continuous Improvement (CI) activity, and 54 CI projects have been completed for the current fiscal year. Our established targets are  450 employees participating in a CI activity and 70 CI projects completed. Please keep working to help us meet or exceed those goalsStretch goals are for 500 employees to participate in a CI activity and 80 CI projects to be completed in order to achieve the Outstanding level. 

Please check out the CI Activity Metrics Dashboard on Quality’s iTrust page. Reach out to your area’s CLASS Ambassador or a member of Quality to learn more. 


CLASS Belt Certifications 


Green Belt  

Melissa Lawson (Shared Field Services): Telematics  

Melissa’s Green Belt focused on utilizing Telematics data to drive improvements in emergency response times, appointment-on-time percentage, and time to exit Langsdale, and reduce idling hours. 


Advanced Yellow Belt 

Justin Burnett (UE&C): Water Meter Reporting 

Justin’s project focused on documenting a process to analyze water meters coming into the meter shop to identify data and trends and then put that knowledge to use. The project also developed a water meter reporting tool that allows the Water Meter Coordination Team to monitor and evaluate data on a year-to-date basis. 



Becky Schaefer (UE&C)iNnovation Excellence Team (NEXT) Strategic Initiative #49 

Becky’s project created a process that reduces the challenges associated with implementing innovative ideas at Citizens. NEXT established an Improvement Ideas list on Quality's iTrust page for gathering and sharing ideas across the Trust. All CI projects can be accessed through Quality's iTrust site to minimize confusion. A standard process for NEXT projects and product reviews also was documented.