On Saturday, March 6, the 5,000th tree in Citizens Energy Group’s 10 Thousand Trees initiative was planted at Haughville Park on the city’s west side.
The 10 Thousand Trees project started in 2017 as a partnership between Citizens, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB), and the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) to beautify neighborhoods and support the DigIndy Tunnel System, which will nearly eliminate combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to area rivers and streams. Ten thousand mature trees planted within the CSO area may provide up to a million gallons of stormwater storage during rain events and thus further reduce CSOs. All 10,000 trees are expected to be planted by spring 2024.
Nearly 100 individuals signed up through KIB to participate in the March 6 planting. Remarks were made by Citizens President & CEO Jeffrey Harrison, as well as President of KIB Jeremy Kranowitz, Indy Parks Director Linda Broadfoot, and Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett.
The trees are maintained by Citizens and KIB for three years, which is critical for long-term survivability. DPW and Indy Parks own and maintain the trees after their first three years of growth.
“Our Ten Thousand Trees partnership with KIB is an important part of our plan to clean up area waterways and our ongoing efforts to enhance quality of life in neighborhoods across the city,” said Harrison. “This program also results in KIB hiring local youth to plant and maintain the trees. Providing jobs and a great learning experience for young people is another great benefit to the community.”
The 5,000th tree planting event kicked off KIB’s spring volunteer season. Following health and safety guidance from the Marion County Health Department, KIB invites the community to volunteer at tree plantings, litter cleanups, and greenspace projects. Masks are required at all KIB projects. Registration is available at www.kibi.org/projects.
Celebrate Arbor Day by Planting Trees
Arbor Day is April 30. Celebrate by planting trees!
If you plan to plant a tree or two on your own property, be sure to contact 811 before doing any digging. Either dial 8-1-1 or visit Indiana811.org at least two full working days before you start digging to avoid hitting an underground utility line.