Employees now have on-demand access to professional development through Citizens Success Academy (CSA), which launched October 1.
CSA is in response to employee survey feedback requesting Citizens provide increased professional development opportunities through the efficient use of E-learning technologies. CSA can be accessed from desktop computers and includes online courses from Citizens, including monthly safety training, as well as hundreds of books, audio books, videos, and online e-courses.
The online tool provides a customized summary of completed learning for each user and allows users to bookmark courses and content to view at a later date. CSA provides managers with a tool for continuous development of their teams.
“What I like about Citizens Success Academy is that it provides a user friendly, very intuitive, single point location for all of our training needs,” said Andy Lutz, Director, Program and Technical Services. “It will help me as a manager keep real-time dashboards and reporting of my employees’ successes and allow me to challenge them to become better leaders in the Trust through targeted training modules suited to their needs.”
Citizens Success Academy can be accessed from the iTrust home page, by clicking on the gateway icon.
Above: Managers attended training sessions to learn more about the features of Citizens Success Academy.