Find out about an award Citizens recently won for volunteer service, get details on the annual community volunteer support program, and find out how to nominate a coworker for a Jefferson Award.
Citizens Named 2019 Mini Pit Station Winner
For eight years, Citizens Energy Group has sponsored a pit station at the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon. This year’s event was held on May 4, otherwise known as “May the Fourth Be with You” – the unofficial holiday of Star Wars. To celebrate the occasion, Citizens’ pit station volunteers dressed up as Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and other Star Wars characters.
Citizens was named the 2019 Pit Station Winner thanks to the enthusiasm and creative attire of our employees and their friends and family members who volunteered to hand out water to Mini Marathon participants. Our volunteers were offered free tickets to the 500 Festival Parade as a reward for their efforts.
Community Volunteer Support Program
Have you participated in any of Citizens’ volunteer opportunities this year? Do you support other organizations with your time? Take advantage of Citizens’ Community Volunteer Support Program, which recognizes employees and retirees for the time and effort they invest in the local community.
To be eligible for a volunteer gift and/or a grant for a non-profit for which you volunteer, you must meet certain requirements and provide two completed forms to Jennifer Mentink, Marketing Communications Coordinator, by January 15.
Gifts for Volunteers: Each employee who annually volunteers 20 or more hours to any eligible organization or a combined 10 hours for any projects sponsored by Citizens receives a gift. Retirees must volunteer at least 50 hours annually.
Grants for Non-Profits: Full-time and part-time employees may apply for one $250 award each calendar year for a non-profit organization for which they volunteered at least 50 hours. Retirees must volunteer at least 100 hours annually.
Search for “volunteer forms” on iTrust. Form A must be filled out by the employee. The organization for which an employee wishes to request a grant must fill out a copy of Form B.
If you have questions about the volunteer program, please contact Jennifer Mentink at jmentink@citizensenergygroup.com or 317-927-4445.
Nominate Coworkers for a Jefferson Award
If you know a coworker or retiree who is making a difference through volunteerism, consider nominating him or her for a Jefferson Award.
Citizens Energy Group is proud to partner with Multiplying Good (previously known as the Jefferson Awards Foundation) to promote the value of community service by recognizing outstanding volunteers among our workforce.
Each year, Citizens names one employee or retiree a Jefferson Award winner to recognize his or her volunteerism and commitment to community service. The winner represents Citizens at the annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
All full-time and part-time employees and retirees are eligible for nomination; self-nominations are welcome. Nominations must be received by December 31 to be considered for the 2020 award. Find the form online at http://bit.ly/JeffAwardsCitizens2020.