Citizens Energy Group launched a new TV commercial last month, highlighting people spending more time at home due to the pandemic.
The objectives of the advertising campaign are to:
- Deliver a message that helps customers look at the positive aspects of current circumstances.
- Remind customers that Citizens Energy Group is delivering safe and reliable essential utility services.
- Inform customers that bill payment assistance is available and to encourage them to contact us for help.
The advertisement directs customers who are concerned about their bills to visit Citizens’ website or to call the Contact Center to learn about helpful options such as payment arrangements and financial assistance.
Ads are scheduled to appear on cable systems within Marion County as well as on WTHR and WXIN. Our spot will air in programs including the news, America’s Got Talent, and The Voice and on cable networks such as USA, ESPN, and Discovery. We also are using email and social media posts directed at customers who are currently behind on their Citizens bills.