To celebrate Women’s History Month, we are featuring a couple employees who have made history at Citizens Energy Group.
Morrica Doyle
Morrica was the first woman Utility Service Specialist (USS; formerly called Gas Service Specialist) at Citizens. She began working at the utility in 1995. Today she is one of two women holding the USS position.
Q: Are there any hurdles you feel you have overcome being in a predominately male industry?
A: I feel like I have had to work harder to prove myself in order to feel like I will be treated equally.
Q: What is your advice to other women interested in careers or positions that are male dominated?
A: My advice is to just give your best effort.
Q: What do you consider to be some of your greatest accomplishments?
A: I am proud that I have been successful in my career and have raised children who are now out on their own.
Q: Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting you throughout your career?
A: I would like to thank Paul Puckett for interviewing me and bringing me onboard, as well as my supervisor, Paula Birdsong, and all the other supervisors I have had throughout my career. Additionally, as the first woman USS, I want to thank my coworkers for accepting me.
Kim Brodie-Bonner
Kim was the first woman Field Collector. Today she holds the position of Gas Controller and is also the first woman in that position.
Q: Are there any hurdles you feel you have overcome being in a predominately male industry?
A: When I applied for the collector position, I felt some hesitancy among management to send me out in the field on my own. I felt that I had to prove that I could do the job. When I applied, I was advised by a few people not to get my hopes up too high because there had never been a female collector.
Q: Did you know you would be the first woman field collector when you interviewed?
A: Yes. When I read the job description, I knew I could do the job and I was determined to be offered the position. Prior to applying for the collector position, I spent seven years working in the Contact Center, so I was prepared to talk with customers. I wanted to be out in the field working with customers one-on-one.
Q: What is your advice to other women interested in careers or positions that are male dominated?
A: Don’t let fear be a factor. Don’t give up if you are not selected. If it’s something you really want to do, keep applying. Make yourself visible and believe in your ability to do the job.
Q: Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting you throughout your career?
A: I would like to thank several individuals for believing in me and encouraging me along the way: my sister, Mary Henderson; retirees Bob Day, Steve Poole, Phil Rynard, and JoEllen Eckstein; former coworker Matt Johnson; Curtis Popp; and Mike Bartone.
Learn More About Women’s History with the Diversity and Inclusion Team
Citizens’ Diversity and Inclusion Team is celebrating Women’s History Month with weekly informational posts on iTrust, its book club, and a lunch-and-learn session.
The “Did You Know” series on iTrust and the book club both began in February in celebration of Black History Month and are continuing throughout the year to recognize many facets of diversity and inclusion.
The Diversity and Inclusion Team exists to help create a work environment in which all individuals are respected and valued. Team members seek to promote an inclusive culture by providing information, resources, and activities.
To learn more about, or get involved in, the team’s efforts, send an email to Diversity&Inclusion@citizensenergygroup.com or visit the team’s iTrust site.