After three years of planning, Shared Field Services launched a backhoe training program at the beginning of May.
Underground maintenance and construction crews for water and gas distribution require a backhoe operator to do their work.
Over the past several years, Citizens Energy Group has experienced significant turnover in the machine operator position, and many newer employees have lacked backhoe operation experience.
In order to create a training program, Citizens needed a space to allow employees to practice operating backhoes, as well as an individual to lead the training efforts.
Shared Field Services, Gas Operations, and Water Operations personnel worked with Jeff Hansen, Director, Wastewater Plant Operations, and Larry Taylor, Wastewater Area Maintenance Supervisor, to locate a plot of land at the Southport Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant where the training could be conducted and also added Technical Trainer Cody Gibbs to its staff.
Gibbs spends two weeks each month working with gas and water distribution employees one-on-one. Prior to the development of the training program, employees without backhoe operation experience were trained on the job.
“This program gives us a place where employees can learn how to operate a backhoe, install pipe in the ground for both gas and water distribution, trench, and shore without the risk of damaging equipment or materials on a job site,” said Joe Anthis, Manager, Customer Field Services.
Josh Puckett, Customer Field Services Supervisor of Training, is excited about additional opportunities the new training location provides for Citizens and its employees in the future.
“This has the potential for so many training opportunities beyond the digging piece,” Puckett said. “With this location, we will be able to perform various outdoor simulations that were previously hindered or restricted within the Langsdale training lab. Examples include underground line locating, outside leak investigations, main valve/curb stop operation, and repairing damaged lines.”
Top right (on the cover): Cody Gibbs, right (on the ground) instructs Nathan Hornberger in backhoe operation. Bottom: Nathan Hornberger, right (in the backhoe), learns operation skills from Josh Puckett, left (on the ground).