Becky Schaefer spent five years volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, a non-profit with a mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships to help youth achieve their full potential.
Schaefer, Associate Director of Supply Chain, became a Big Sister because she believes in the power of one-on-one attention.
“I loved the idea of experiencing all sorts of activities with a child and building a relationship,” she said. “My Little Sister was up for anything. My favorite part of the program was seeing how much she enjoyed all the different activities we did together, whether we visited museums, volunteered, made gifts for her mom, or went hiking or ice skating.”
The organization provides Bigs and Littles with tickets to sporting events, admission to local museums, and other activities such as game nights.
Citizens Energy Group has supported the Central Indiana affiliate for 20 years, providing more than $50,000 through sponsorship of the non-profit's annual fundraiser, The Main Event. This fundraising event has made it possible for the organization to provide mentoring relationships for thousands of children.
Schaefer appreciated the process that Big Brothers Big Sisters used to match volunteers with children in the program, who range from 8 to 18 years old, and the ongoing support from professionally trained coaching staff.
There is currently a huge need for more volunteers in Central Indiana. Hundreds of children in Hamilton, Marion, and Johnson counties are on a wait list.
Schaefer said the experience was very rewarding and encourages others to sign up.
Bigs are asked to spend 4-6 hours with their Littles per month for at least one year. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer mentor opportunities, visit bebigforkids.org/volunteer/ or call 317-921-2201.