Citizens Energy Group has partnered with Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity (GIHH) for 16 years to aid in the organization’s mission of providing quality, affordable homes for local families.
For the past nine years, Citizens has been GIHH’s exclusive conservation partner, agreeing to financially support the installation of high-efficiency natural gas appliances. In addition, Citizens’ agreement with GIHH ensures the inclusion of specific energy-efficient building practices in all homes they build to help make the homes more affordable.
Selected GIHH homeowners pay a modest down payment, invest 300 hours of “sweat equity,” which includes construction of their home, and are responsible for zero-percent-interest monthly mortgage payments and home maintenance. Since its founding in1987, GIHH has provided the life-changing opportunity of homeownership to more than 645 local families.
Homeowners also must attend a class to learn more about the benefits of energy-efficient building practices and technologies in their new home, how to properly maintain the HVAC unit, the importance of changing filters, and how to use their programmable thermostat.
In addition, Citizens provides information to homeowners on budget billing, payment methods and arrangements, energy assistance programs, and home-heating and appliance safety.
Brett McClellan, Energy Efficiency Program Coordinator, receives and processes invoices from GIHH, ensuring Citizens upholds its terms of the agreement. Since 2016, Citizens has provided assistance for nearly 90 homes totaling $445,000.
“Citizens’ partnership with Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity fits well with our mission as a company,” McClellan said. “We are focused on improving quality of life in the communities we serve. By supporting the development of energy-efficient homes, we are helping build stronger neighborhoods in Central Indiana.”
Beyond financial support, small groups of Citizens employees have volunteered to help build homes many times over the past several years. Citizens is partnering with GIHH for two build days this year, on September 29 and November 11. You can register to volunteer at http://vhub.at/citizensenergy. If you have questions, contact Payton Staman, Project Engineer.
GIHH also is seeking volunteers at its ReStore locations. These home-improvement thrift stores sell donated new and gently used items at a significant discount to the public, with all proceeds benefitting GIHH. Volunteers are needed for organizing and sorting donations and assembling furniture at the four locations (West Washington Street, Avon, Fishers, and Greenfield). Find more information about this opportunity at https://www.indyrestore.com/volunteer/. If you volunteer, be sure to track your hours on the Citizens for Good volunteer portal.