Citizens Energy Group was the Youth Activity Center presenting sponsor at the Earth Day Indiana Festival, held Saturday, June 5 at Garfield Park.
While this annual event typically is held in April to coincide with Earth Day, it was postponed due to the pandemic and held on World Environment Day in a new location.
The event is hosted by nonprofit corporation Earth Day Indiana, whose primary mission is to host an annual festival to promote environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, and sustainable living.
Citizens donated its sponsor booth space to two of its nonprofit partner organizations – The STEM Connection and Girl Scouts of Central Indiana. (You can read more about Citizens’ support of The STEM Connection in the April/May Engauge.) The STEM Connection representatives demonstrated how drinking water is a precious and limited resource. The Girl Scouts promoted the Girl Scout Tree Promise presented by Citizens by giving away compostable pots with seeds, which aligns with Citizens’ 10 Thousand Trees initiative.
In addition, Citizens’ sponsorship of the Earth Day Indiana Festival offsets the cost for other nonprofit organizations to have activity booths at the festival, helping to raise awareness of the choices individuals can make that benefit the environment.
“Citizens is proud to support the Earth Day Indiana Festival, which reflects our Commitment to Sustainability and our focus on the environment, our businesses, and our communities,” said Ann McIver, Director, Environmental Stewardship. “Attendees have the opportunity to learn about various ways they can enhance our community, from growing native plants to conserving natural resources through energy-efficiency projects.”