Citizens Energy Group is sponsoring the Indianapolis Public Library’s 2021 summer reading program, which takes place through the end of July.
For 25 years, Citizens has provided financial support to the Indianapolis Library Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to partner with donors to enrich lives, foster lifelong learning, and engage our diverse community through The Indianapolis Public Library.
While tax dollars fund the Library’s primary operations, including staffing, collection materials, and facility and technology maintenance, the majority of the Library’s programs, including the summer reading program, are possible because of the support from the Foundation and its partners.
Throughout the eight-week summer reading program, children can earn prizes by tracking the hours they spend reading, being read to, and listening to audiobooks.
“Research shows that reading just 15 minutes per day is enough to help children maintain or advance their reading skills during the summer,” said Roberta Jaggers, Library Foundation President. “We’re incredibly grateful for Citizens’ generosity that helps make this important program possible.”
The theme in 2021, which marks the 102nd year of the program, is “Discover.” Participants can earn a bonus prize for completing seven discovery activities, such as trying a new food or game, visiting a new place, and taking a nature walk.
Historically, this has been one of the largest summer reading programs in the country. Over the past two years, more than 55,000 children have participated. Prior to the pandemic, several members of Citizens’ Corporate Sponsorship/Philanthropy Team visited the Central Library (the downtown branch) to see first-hand additional programming offered through the summer reading program, including art classes and plays.
“Citizens is proud to support the Library Foundation, which has been instrumental in providing educational opportunities for thousands of families throughout Central Indiana since 1969,” said Ryan Basore, Commercial Sales Consultant, who serves on the Corporate Sponsorship/Philanthropy Team’s education subcommittee.
You can learn more or sign up your young readers at https://www.indypl.org/srp/kids.
Library staff award a bicycle to a 2020 Summer Reading Program participant.