Citizens Energy Group’s Commitment to Sustainability is a pledge to our customers, communities, employees, and regulators that we will be prudent with investments and balance costs and benefits for all stakeholders as we contribute to the long-term sustainability of the community. This commitment was formalized in 2013 when Citizens recognized an opportunity to demonstrate a leadership role in environmental and sustainability practices.
The building blocks of our Commitment to Sustainability are a focus on 1.) the Environment, 2.) our Businesses, and 3.) the Communities in which we live and work. Citizens produces a Sustainability Report every two years to highlight how we are carrying out the EBC’s. You can find the 2019 Report online at https://www.citizensenergygroup.com/Our-Company/News-Financials/Reports.
Although Earth Day is April 22, Citizens takes steps to practice sustainability internally every day.
Here are a few examples:
- Many of our facilities’ light fixtures have occupancy sensors.
- Employees are encouraged to follow the guidelines of our mixed-use recycling program.
- Employees are expected to avoid any unnecessary vehicle idling.
- Follow Me Printing seeks to reduce wasted paper due to abandoned print jobs.
- Creation of the 10 Thousand Trees program to beautify neighborhoods and reduce combined sewer overflows to area waterways.
“We appreciate all the ways our employees help us carry out our Commitment to Sustainability and celebrate Earth Day every day,” said Ann McIver, Director, Environmental Stewardship.