At its annual awards dinner on November 12, the Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (Mid-States) recognized Citizens Energy Group and one of our employees.
The mission of Mid-States is to accelerate economic growth by driving opportunities and collaboration between corporations and minority businesses in Central Illinois, Indiana, and Eastern Missouri. The organization connects its corporate members with qualified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) of all sizes that meet a high standard of excellence.
As the member with the highest spend with MBEs in calendar year 2020, Citizens received the Local Corporation of the Year Award. Upon accepting the award, President & CEO Jeffrey Harrison thanked Mid-States for the recognition and the ongoing partnership with Citizens.
“At Citizens, we have demonstrated that creating a more diverse base of suppliers and vendors provides valued-added results for our company while strengthening the area’s economy,” he said. “Without our collaborative relationship with Mid-States, our supplier diversity program would not have achieved the success we have seen in recent years.”
In calendar year 2020, Citizens achieved more than $90 million of addressable spending with minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses, $50 million of which was spent with MBEs.
Kenya Perkins, Compliance Analyst, was honored with the inaugural Camillia Buell-Thomas Outstanding Volunteer Award for going above and beyond to serve the organization. She has volunteered countless hours in several capacities for many years. The award’s namesake was an enthusiastic and dedicated volunteer for Mid-States and the mother of Denika Thomas, a Mid-States employee. Camillia Buell-Thomas passed away in June.
“I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected as the first recipient of the Camillia Buell-Thomas Outstanding Volunteer Award,” Kenya said. “Mid-States has given me insight into how important it is for MBE supply chain vendors and corporations to collaborate. I hope this recognition inspires others, as Camillia Buell-Thomas inspired me, to give their time and talents.”
Aware namesake, Camillia Buell-Thomas (left), and Kenya Perkins (right) at a previous Mid-States Annual Gala Dinner.
Supplier Diversity Goal Highlights
Citizens Energy Group’s Supply Chain Department is proud to announce that the Trust reached two of its three supplier diversity goals during fiscal year 2021. Of the total expenditures with contractors and vendors, the annual spend goals with minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses (MBE/WBE/VBE) were set at 15, 8, and 3 percent, respectively, since 2011.
Citizens’ total expenditures with contractors and vendors in fiscal year 2021 were $349.3 million, and MBE/WBE/VBE expenditures were $54.4 million, $32.4 million, and $3.92 million, respectively, for a total of $90.72 million. These supplier expenditures represented 15.6 percent, 9.3 percent, and 1.1 percent of our total spend dollars.
Meechelle Parker, Supplier Diversity Program Manager, said, “Let’s pause and celebrate the achievements, recognizing that there is more work to be done. It is an honor to continue the progress of Citizens’ Supplier Diversity Program, and I’m certain with our phenomenal leadership and team we can make an even greater impact.”
Citizens Energy Group’s Supplier Diversity Program accomplishments go beyond the meeting or exceeding of goals, as these goals reflect the impact we are making on local, small diverse businesses that are essential to our communities.
Citizens’ Supplier Diversity Program will continue creating strategies that increase opportunities for MBEs/WBEs/VBEs throughout fiscal year 2022 and beyond.
Parker added, “We appreciate the dedication and partnerships forged with members of our executive team and business units who support and grow our Supplier Diversity Program.”