Learn about all the ways Citizens Energy Group employees helped those in need over the past couple months, from the Paul Riggins Giving Tree Program, to filling "Buckets of Love," and donating to Riley Hospital for Children.
Citizens Supports Three Families for the Holidays
Three Central Indiana families were blessed by the generosity of Citizens Energy Group employees this past holiday season.
Citizens partnered with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program to be matched with these families. Through the company’s annual Paul Riggins Giving Tree program, employees donated gifts and cash to provide for the needs and wishes of eleven children. In addition to the requested items, financial donations were used to provide gift cards and assist with utility bills.
Thank you to all who donated gifts or cash or purchased prize tickets to make it another successful season of giving back!
Employees Donate $1K to Riley
The proceeds from the 2018 spring and fall bass fishing tournaments, totaling $1,000, were delivered to Riley Hospital for Children by several Citizens employees in early December. Stay tuned to learn how you can participate in the 2019 fishing tournaments.
Customer Service Employees Fill 'Buckets of Love'
The auditorium at the General Office was filled with coloring books, stuffed animals, toys, and toiletries on Wednesday, November 14, as Customer Service employees put together “Buckets of Love.”
Developed by children, for children, Buckets of Love is a charitable organization that provides comfort and care items for kids facing difficult challenges, such as homelessness or hospitalization. Sisters Reagan, 11, and Payton, 6, won a Jefferson Award last year for their giving spirit and for establishing this non-profit organization.
In an effort to support the sisters’ goal of packing “Buckets of Love” in every state, Citizens’ Customer Service employees filtered into the auditorium throughout the afternoon to put together gifts and write encouraging notes for 200 children at Coburn Place, the Julian Center, and the Children’s Bureau, Inc. All three local organizations were very thankful for the donations, which were purchased by Citizens through the Jefferson Awards Foundation.
Learn more about Buckets of Love at http://www.bucketsoflove.us/.