Customer Service associates were greeted on the red carpet outside the Contact Center on Monday, October 1, to kick-off Customer Service Week!
Associates received replica Oscar trophies and award certificates for various traits, such as best attitude. Throughout the rest of the week, customer service associates enjoyed games, food, and prizes at the General Office. Operations employees were treated to a lunch, and wrapped up the week with doughnuts.
“Customer Service Week emphasizes Citizens’ commitment to our customers,” said Joel Gallagher, Manager, Contact Center. “Each year, we take time to celebrate our employees to thank them and recognize them for the role they play each day in ensuring customer satisfaction.”
Customer Service Week is celebrated during the first full week in October around the world. This year’s theme, “Excellence Happens Here,” was displayed on posters and balloons throughout the Residential and Business Contact Centers, and the Revenue Assurance, Quality, and Billing areas.
President and CEO Jeffrey Harrison visited with customer service associates on Monday, October 1 to kick-off Customer Service Week. Pictured here, left to right, are Pierre Britton, Juliana Lopez, Jeffrey Harrison, and Eve Pena.