Citizens Energy Group employees were recognized last month with a One in a Million Award from Multiplying Good (previously known as the Jefferson Awards Foundation).
The One in a Million Awards were created as a way to offer hope and celebrate the millions of people acting with bravery and generosity during these challenging times. Recipients are dedicated to putting others first.
Citizens’ employees were honored for continuing to provide essential utility services during the pandemic to thousands of customers throughout Central Indiana.
Employees are encouraged to share the news about this award. Visit https://oneinamillion.multiplyinggood.org/blog/citizens-energy-group and choose your sharing avenue at the end of the article. If you share on social media, you can use hashtags #oneinamillon and #multiplyinggood in your posts and follow the hashtags to see and connect with other One in a Million Award honorees!
Congratulations to our employees and thank you for your dedicated service to our customers and community!