Throughout the month of October, Citizens employees were active in the community raising financial support for, and awareness about, various diseases. Their fundraising efforts are tremendous!
Teams Raise Awareness of Alzheimer’s
On Saturday, October 6, Citizens employees joined the Walk to End Alzheimer’s to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Through Citizens’ sponsorship and fundraising, our teams secured $7,000 to support the Alzheimer’s Association.
Light the Night Teams Raise More Than $40K
Collectively, Citizens Energy Group’s teams for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk raised more than $44,000 to support efforts to find cures for blood cancers. Although the teams did not get to walk due to rain on Saturday, October 6, they did an extraordinary job with fundraising – including a change war among departments and a bake sale – and exceeded their original goal of raising $25,000!
Citizens Team Second in Fundraising for Tour de Cure
Several employees of Citizens Energy Group and partner organizations participated in the 2018 Tour de Cure on Saturday, October 20. The cycling team came in second place in the corporate fundraising competition, donating more than $7,800 to the American Diabetes Association to help find a cure for the disease that affects more than 30 million Americans.