Two Westfield water customers provided positive feedback about how Citizens employees responded to an incident in late March.
A mail carrier truck hit a fire hydrant, causing a water outage in the Westfield area. A handful of employees restored service in a matter of hours, and were complimented for their work with a phone call and a letter to the editor in local newspaper Current in Westfield.
The customer wrote, “It is easy to take good utility service for granted. Being without water for five hours has reminded me not to do that. We need to appreciate the hard work that goes into assuring that water is there when we need it.” In the letter to the editor, the customer thanked the employees for working in a wet ditch on a cold night.
Thanks to the following employees for a job well done:
- Justin Anderson, Field Service Representative
- Brandon Carter, Supervisor, Customer Field Services
- Yohance Cheek, Utility Service Specialist
- James Norzinskay, Field Service Representative
- Joe Snyder, Field Service Representative