Twenty-three Citizens Energy Group employees and two retirees signed up to help prepare 2019 income tax returns for members of the community.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program took place on Thursdays, from February 6 through March 12.
Although the VITA program had to be cut short this year due to the coronavirus outbreak, Citizens appreciates the many employees who offered to help the community.
“It’s always a great feeling to see the returning taxpayers. Many of them return every single year and are almost like family,” said Megan Buehler, Senior Accountant and organizer of the program at Citizens. “They are very appreciative of the service we provide.”
This year’s volunteers were: Katrina Anderson, Jennifer Bailey, Sandy Barlow, Kimberly Brokering, Martrice Brown, Megan Buehler, Michelle Dinkins, Keesha Garner, Tracye George, John Goebes, Angie Guynn, Susan Harris, Courtney Harvey, Kim Hood, Dan Koiro, Lynn LaFara, John Lucas, Gillian Marks, Beth Noel, Anh Pham, retiree Darlene Reckelhoff, Kasey Summerlot, Derek Sutton, Tracy Webster, and retiree Daryl Wishmeier.
Buehler said she would love to add volunteers to the program next year. “If the volunteer tax prep program is something you have ever considered, please talk to one of the volunteers or me. We’d be happy to explain the program to you.”