Don't forget: You must attend a screening or visit your doctor by May 14 to earn wellness incentives! Read on for more details, as well as to find out who was named a recent wellness challenge winner and monthly wellness champion.
Wellness Incentive Reminder
Employees and spouses participating in Citizens’ medical insurance plans can earn a wellness incentive by meeting certain criteria. The wellness incentive for an employee on the medical plan is an insurance premium discount. The incentive for a spouse of an employee on the medical plan is a $250 deposit into the employee’s Health Savings Account. The criteria must be met either by visiting your primary care physician or by attending an onsite biometric screening by May 14. For details about the criteria, visit the Health and Wellness iTrust site or contact wellness coordinators Melissa Hehmann (mhehmann@citizensenergygroup.com) or Christa Willoughby (cwilloughby@citizensenergygroup.com).
March Wellness Champion
Congrats to Courtney Hardy, Construction Specialist, on being named the March Wellness Champion! He and his spouse have made great strides in creating a healthier lifestyle. They have made changes to their diet and are focused on preventing disease and improving longevity. Being physically active is also part of their routine; they enjoy cycling together. Keep up the great work, Courtney!
Wellness Challenge Winners
Almost 50 participants completed the six-week "Step into the New Year" challenge. Together, they walked more than 12.5 million steps!
Three employees received prizes based on a random computer-generated drawing for reaching certain milestones:
- $100 gift card for reaching over 750,000 steps: Stephen Mader (left)
- $75 gift card for reaching over 400,000 steps: Kelly Davenport (middle)
- $50 gift card for reaching over 100,000 steps: Matthew Thomas (right)