Hill, McFadden Receive Outstanding Billing Performance Award

By Mary Benge on 8/14/19 9:26 AM

Congratulations to Citizens Customer Billing Services Representatives Katrina Hill and Deborah McFadden for being recognized for their stellar work performance.  They were presented the Debbie Johnson-Miller Outstanding Billing Performance Award on August 8.

This award is given to deserving Customer Billing Services employees who make outstanding contributions and deliver excellent service to our company and customers. The award’s namesake is a billing representative who passed away in 2013, and who always wanted to implement an employee recognition program in the billing department. The first Debbie Johnson-Miller Outstanding Billing Services Award was presented in 2014. 

On April 16, 2018, McFadden volunteered to take on a huge project to correct over 3,000 accounts that were out of balance due to an instance that occurred back on June 22, 2006. Since then, the 3,000-plus bills had been monitored and typed each month by the Customer Billing Representatives. This project became even more important with the C2M implementation and not wanting to convert incorrect data into the new system. McFadden willingly accepted this challenge, knowing it would take dedication and hard work to complete this project.  In August 2018, Hill joined her on the project. 

The project consisted of creating new accounts for each customer, as well as ensuring all programs the customers were previously enrolled in continued, such as the budget program, automatic bank draft, UtilityShield, etc. They notified each customer and provided them with their new account information. They also worked with our outside vendor, UtilityShield, to ensure the changes had no impact on the customers’ warranty plans. Each day as they corrected an account, it had a noticeable impact to the department.  

Congratulations to Hill and McFadden for going above and beyond to exceed expectations!