Individuals who commit an offense against a worker who is acting in the ordinary course of the worker’s employment (such as utility field employees) are now subject to harsher punishment with the passing of Indiana Senate Enrolled Act 240.
Prior to this legislation, such an offense was a misdemeanor. SEA240 adds language to the law, stating that if “the threat relates to or is made in connection with the occupation, profession, employment status or ownership status of a person,” the offense is a felony.
Although Citizens Energy Group and other utilities have taken proactive measures to keep employees safe, such as increasing the visibility of employees and work vehicles, implementing awareness training, and eliminating the acceptance of payments in the field, utility workers across sectors continue to experience threats. We believe SEA240 will help improve employee safety and deter those who threaten a utility worker who, in many cases, is trying to provide service to a customer or a neighborhood.
It is important for employees to be aware of de-escalation tactics and to have an exit strategy so they can remove themselves from unsafe situations. In an effort to protect our employees, the Trust-wide October safety training covers de-escalation and utility worker safety.