The DigIndy Tunnel System project reached a significant milestone on Wednesday, April 10 when the tunnel boring machine (TBM) completed mining the Lower Pogues Run and White River Tunnels.
Employees from Citizens and several tunnel contractors watched as the TBM made its way through the retrieval shaft wall, cutting an impressive figure into the bedrock.
Mining is now complete on four of six tunnels and 17 of 28 miles of the DigIndy Tunnel System. The Lower Pogues Run and White River Tunnels comprise more than seven miles of the system. Work to prepare the two new segments to capture raw sewage is ongoing, and the tunnels are on schedule to be online by 2021.
Meanwhile, the tunnel boring machine will move on to mine the 3.4-mile Fall Creek Tunnel. Upon its completion, mining will begin on the tunnel system’s final segment, the 7.6-mile Pleasant Run Tunnel slated for completion in 2025.