Brett McClellan began working in the Contact Center while in high school. More than 40 years later, he remains dedicated to directly helping customers by managing energy efficiency programs.
1. What is a typical day like for you?
I manage several emergency repair programs for Citizens’ low-income homeowners experiencing problems with water leaks, sewer/drain back-ups, or furnaces. In addition, I talk to customers with high gas usage about Citizens’ whole-house weatherization program and how it can help reduce their annual usage. These programs require a lot of collaboration with vendors, contractors, and third-party administrators. Additionally, I manage Westfield’s energy efficiency rebate program.
2. What other jobs have you held at Citizens?
I began in the Contact Center while still in high school. I also have worked in the Credit and Customer Accounting Departments and managed a payment center at Southern Plaza.
3. Can you briefly summarize Citizens’ energy efficiency programs?Citizens has two energy efficiency programs: whole-house weatherization and rebates for Westfield customers. The whole-house weatherization program includes repairs or maintenance related to insulation, ductwork, air sealing, and gas appliance repair/replacement. To qualify for this program, customers must meet income and energy usage qualifications. The Westfield rebate program provides customers direct credits on their accounts for energy efficiency upgrades on equipment such natural gas furnaces and water heaters.
4. How are you involved with the Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation?
While most Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™ grants help customers maintain their utility service, funds also can be used for emergency furnace and water heater repairs and replacements. For these types of grants, I verify that the customer has service with Citizens and is the property owner. I then talk to the customer about the issue and provide information to a contractor. If the technician determines the furnace or water heater cannot be repaired, we work with the contractor to install new energy efficient equipment.
5. What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the opportunity to assist our low-income customers in need of emergency services they cannot afford.
6. What are some of the challenges?Sometimes there are just not enough resources to meet the needs of our low-income homeowners. I encourage individuals to consider donating to Warm Heart Warm Home because I see first-hand what an impact it makes in our community. It’s easy to donate during the United Way employee giving campaign each year or via payroll deduction.
7. What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?I like landscaping, watching sports, boating, camping, relaxing on my back porch, and riding my bike.