Chuck Cave has been a champion for the canal for the past 15 years. He’s also a champion outside of work. Read on to find out how this Citizens employee helps maintain water supply for the city and how he won a World Championship!
1. What are your job responsibilities?
As the canal patrolman, each day I drive the entire length of the canal, from Broad Ripple to the White River Water Treatment Plant and back, looking for issues that would prevent water from flowing to the treatment plant. In the winter, I break up ice on the canal and plow the towpath of snow. In the summer, I operate harvest weed boats to clear out invasive pondweed. I track water levels, check the dams for breaches, clear intakes of leaves and other debris, and make sure the canal towpath is clear of tree limbs and trash.
2. What do you like best about your job?
I enjoy working independently, taking care of the canal, and having the responsibility of foreseeing potential problems and preventing them.
3. What other jobs have you held at Citizens?
For the past 42 years, I have held various jobs working in water operations, from starting as a laborer at the White River Water Treatment Plant to becoming a meter reader, and then managing the carpentry shop, where I took care of all the trucks, trailers, tools, and tap machines. For the past 15 years, I have been in my current job as canal patrolman.
4. What do you wish people knew about the canal?
The canal provides 60 percent of the water supply for the city of Indianapolis and also provides fire protection for the city. I wish people knew that when they dump trash and contaminants in or around the canal, it could impact the water quality.
5. What are some of your hobbies and interests?
My hobbies include carpentry work and dancing. I’ve competed in five dance world championships and have been named a World Champion in East Coast Swing!