Don Callahan has read utility meters for over a quarter century. He enjoys working outside and the change of scenery his job provides. An added bonus: getting his daily steps in! Learn more about Don and his position below.
1. What did you do before coming to Citizens?
I have worked for Miller Pipeline and the Indianapolis Water Company.
2. What is a typical day like for you?
Each month, I read 21 routes of water, gas, and steam meters. On average, this is 9,000 meters per month. Some of my routes are mostly walking; I may walk up to 8 miles a day! Others are mostly driving, and I’m only in and out of the vehicle to read each meter. Some routes are a combination of driving and walking from meter to meter.
3. What do you like about your job?
I like working outside and getting a behind-the-scenes look around the city. I also like that I can manage my own time.
4. What are some of the challenges?
Challenges of this job include reading meters accurately and in a timely manner. Rain, ice, and snow can make the job tough. Sometimes I encounter things such as aggressive dogs or locked doors and gates, and I have to find solutions to overcome these challenges.
5. How has your job changed over the last 26 years?
The biggest change has been technology. When I first started reading meters, we used pencil and paper. Now we use handheld devices.
6. Would you encourage others to consider a job in meter reading?
I think meter reading is a good fit for those who like to be outdoors and have a change of scenery often. There are many part-time positions in meter reading that provide an opportunity to learn more about Citizens and other potential full-time jobs within the company.
7. What are some of your hobbies or interests?
I have coached soccer for several clubs throughout the Indianapolis area for the past 20 years. Currently I am an assistant soccer coach at Mooresville High School.
8. Tell us about your family.
I have been married to my wife, Hanh, for 29 years. We have a son, Samuel, who is 24 and in the Navy, a daughter, Jordan, 22, who recently graduated from Rose-Hulman, and another son, Alex, who is 20 and studying at Ivy Tech.