Lannie Meador has spent 30 years as a gas controller for Citizens Energy Group. He is one of five in this role, the primary responsibility of which is to ensure our customers receive safe and reliable natural gas. Read on to learn more about Lannie's career, hobbies, and more ...
What other jobs have you held?
My first jobs in the energy industry were unloading liquid propane for Citizens across from the former coke plant and working as an auxiliary gas controller within Gas Supply before the department moved to Langsdale. Before that, I worked for Firestone Tire and Rubber and spent time in the Army.
What are your primary responsibilities?
I am one of five gas controllers at Citizens. We facilitate the flow of natural gas from interstate pipelines to both residential and commercial customers in a safe, reliable manner. We manage contracts with interstate pipelines to ensure enough gas is available to serve our customers and we monitor our SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system for alarms related to things like pressure, temperature, and abnormal operating conditions.
What is something about your job that you don’t think a lot of people know?
First of all, I don’t think many Citizens employees would know where to find me! The control room, which is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year, is tucked away in Langsdale 1A. The gas controllers cannot leave the control room for an extended amount of time – that means we can’t go out to lunch or take a walk outside during our 12-hour shifts. Also, gas controllers are required to pass an online operator qualification course every three years.
What do you like best about your job?
It’s an interesting job and each day is different. The job requires you to be even-keeled, to be able to multitask without getting easily stressed, and to pay close attention to detail. I think the job is a good fit for me; however, I had to grow into my current position. I like my schedule, too. I work 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.; one week, I work two days in a row, then I’m off three days. The next week, I work three 12-hour days, then I’m off two days. I like that I can run errands and get out and do things when most people are at work. I’m in no hurry to retire; I love my job and enjoy the people with whom I work.
How have you seen your job change over the course of 30 years?
When I started in this job, everything was done manually with a pencil, clipboard, adding machine, and radio, so it has been an interesting journey learning computer systems and growing with the ever-changing technology.
What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?
I enjoy hiking, repelling, and whitewater rafting; this year, I have trips planned to Zion National Park in Utah and Banff National Park in Canada. I also have been all over the Caribbean and Hawaii on cruises.