For the past 19 years, Mike Strohl has served in various positions at Citizens Energy Group. While he holds many responsibilities at the office, he also keeps busy outside of work, especially this month as he fulfills his duties as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the 500 Festival.
How long have you been in your current position and what other jobs have you held?
I have been Senior Vice President, Chief Customer Officer for the past five years. My previous positions included Director of Finance for Citizens Resources; Treasurer; Controller; and Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The work we do at Citizens really matters, and that is what drives me. I appreciate that as a company, we make decisions from a long-term perspective.
What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy traveling, hunting, fishing and CrossFit.
How are you involved with the 500 Festival?
I have been involved with the 500 Festival since 2013, after being asked by Citizens’ CEO to consider joining the board as a way for Citizens to have a closer connection with an organization we had sponsored for many years.
My wife and I have really enjoyed serving as director mentors to the Princess Program. Each year, 33 young women from Indiana-based universities are selected as ambassadors for the Festival and the Indianapolis 500; they participate in hundreds of outreach activities and develop leadership skills. I also volunteer at a water station during the Mini-Marathon. This year, I have the privilege of serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Why do you like being involved in these events?
I enjoy seeing the civic pride during the month of May, leading up to the Indy 500. The 500 Festival is supported by over 7,000 volunteers, and the events that support the 500 make a significant economic impact on the city of Indianapolis.
What is something interesting or unique about you?
I am the first person in my family to graduate high school.
Tell us about your family.
I have been married to my wife, Valerie, for 28 years. We have three daughters, Claire, 25; Rachel, 22; and Sarah, 20; and a dog named Dallas.