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Citizens Lean and Six Sigma (CLASS) Belt Certifications
- Shelby Sawyers (Shared Field Services)
- Dispatch Training Resources – Training materials were updated, standardized, and organized to provide clear access for dispatchers and accurate responses for customers. Posted materials were reduced by 25 percent, which decreased redundancy and improved ease of use.
- Leo Sparks (Water Production/Water Quality and Planning)
- Crane and Hoist Action items: A system was developed to identify and track items recommended as a result of inspections. One hundred percent of past recommendations have been completed.
Recently Completed Just Do It Projects
A Just Do It project is a great way to continuously improve something where the solution is already known. While the project does not need to go through the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) process, it can still be very impactful, increasing efficiency and resulting in cost savings. All completed Just Do It projects can be found on Quality’s CI Activities and Completed Projects page.
- Sewer Capital Layer Just Do It – Payton Staman (UE&C)
What Makes a Good CLASS project?
A CLASS project starts with a clear problem statement and uses Lean and Six Sigma concepts to arrive at a solution with a measurable benefit.
- The problem statement should be clear, and the solution should directly address the problem with a measurable improvement.
- Lean and Six Sigma projects use DMAIC and can be completed at several levels based on the complexity of the tools used. These levels include Yellow Belt, Advanced Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt. Quality is available to provide training and mentoring.
- A Just Do It project is a process improvement applied to correct problems when the solution is generally known and must produce a measurable improvement.
- All Belt projects and Just Do Its must be documented on forms provided by Quality.