This month's update from Quality Systems includes seven new CLASS certifications and information about available training.
CLASS Certifications
The following employees completed training on the use of Continuous Improvement tools and documentation and completed a project to receive certification.
Yellow Belt Certifications
Greg Thompson (Water Production) – Monitoring Recycled Backwash Water
Laura O’Brien (Corporate Affairs) – Drinking Water Emergency Communications
Mark Gray (Environmental Stewardship) – Daily Wastewater Report
Jessica Meeks (Health, Safety & Security) – Chemical Approval Process
Cherie Thomas (Billing & Customer Service) – Door Tag Review
Advanced Yellow Belt Certifications
Randy Rollins (Billing & Customer Service) – Restoration
Bradford Jones (Thermal) – Refrigerant Purge Units
CLASS Reminders and Training Updates
All areas should have a Balanced Scorecard completed for FY21 by December 31. A template is available on the Quality Systems Department iTrust page.
A CLASS Refresher session facilitated through Teams is scheduled for December 8. To sign up, visit the Quality iTrust page or contact a member of the department. The Quality team is working to develop CLASS Refresher training on Citizens Success Academy. More information will be provided when that option is available.
Interested in Yellow Belt training? Talk with your supervisor and identify a project! The Quality team can help discuss what would make a successful project. Virtual CLASS Yellow Belt training sessions will be scheduled after the first of the year.
- Employees can sign up for consideration by visiting the Quality iTrust page and selecting “Yellow Belt” from the “CLASS Certifications & Training” dropdown menu.
- Preference will be given to employees with an identified project and ability to participate via Microsoft Teams.
Is there a specific type of training that you or your area would like? Reach out to Quality and we can set it up via Teams.