Congratulations to several employees for being awarded Citizens Lean and Six Sigma (CLASS) certifications during the October CLASS Ambassador meeting!
Certifications Continue Across the Trust
Congratulations to several employees for being awarded Citizens Lean and Six Sigma (CLASS) certifications during the October CLASS Ambassador meeting!
Ryan Taylor, Engineer IV, became the first to receive a CLASS Black Belt certification. He achieved this by attending 20 days of Black Belt training in 2017 and leading two projects, Meter Testing and Non-Revenue Water Meter Analysis.
Ed Bukovac, Manager Engineering and Plant Operations, received a CLASS Green Belt certification. He achieved this by attending 20 days of Black Belt training in 2017 and leading a project which analyzed the wastewater treatment process in Westfield. His project resulted in $90,000 in direct budget savings.
Breann Cooper, Production Process Specialist, continued to lead the way and became the first CLASS Advanced Yellow Belt. She achieved this by attending two days of Yellow Belt training, receiving a CLASS Yellow Belt certification, and leading a second small improvement project in her area.
Eight individuals received a CLASS Yellow Belt certification for various projects around the Trust.
Jill Casky, Executive Assistant: Steam Boiler Availability Report
Maurice Johnson, IT Manager of Application Support: Knowledge-Centered Services Implementation
John Eddington, Manager LNG Plants: Gas Operations After Action Review Process Standardization
Marcia Mitchell, Wastewater Clerk: Wastewater Collections Forms Management
Tom Price, Senior Manager Accounting: Annual Budgeting Process Improvement
John Goebes, Financial Accounting Manager: Monthly Business Systems Close Reduction (from 9 days to 7 days)
Fred Hedges, Lead Treatment Operator: Westfield Lab and Process Data Collection
Diane Ashlock, Commercial Sales Consultant: Area Rate Job Contract Management
All of the projects utilized the standard tool referred to as an A3 for documenting the project. Documentation for all of the completed projects mentioned above can be found within the Completed A3’s folder on the Quality System’s iTrust site.