Becoming an employer of choice in Indiana is one of Citizens Energy Group’s long-term goals under the employee engagement pillar of our strategic plan. In order to gather employee feedback about what it’s like to work at Citizens, the utility participated in the most recent Best Places to Work in Indiana survey. This annual survey recognizes organizations for creating a culture in which employees can thrive and be successful. Listed below is a brief summary of Citizens’ results:
- Citizens’ participation rate exceeded the requirement of 40 percent. With over 500 employees completing the survey, Citizens’ overall participation rate was 42 percent.
- The overall average of positive responses to all survey questions was 72 percent. In order to be eligible to make the list of Best Places to Work, this number must be at least 80 percent.
- Citizens’ employees placed high rankings in the areas of relationship with supervisor, overall engagement, role satisfaction, and work environment.
- A few areas were identified as opportunities for improvement, including “culture and communication” and “training and development.”
- Citizens’ benefits package was rated high compared to other companies.
Attracting and retaining the best talent provides a competitive advantage for our business. Our employees are the greatest asset of the Trust. Thank you to each employee who took time to respond to the questionnaire. Your participation and feedback is vital in helping Citizens enhance the practices that our employees value and ultimately, become an employer of choice.
The list of 2018 Best Places to Work in Indiana is available online at www.BestPlacesToWorkIN.com