The Employee Communications Team would like to thank the employees who completed the Internal Communications Effectiveness survey earlier this spring. The team is pleased to provide a summary of the results.
- About 26 percent of Citizens Energy Group’s employees (310) responded to the survey.
- Seventy-seven percent of respondents felt company-wide communications have improved over the past two years, which is a four percent increase from the last survey conducted in 2019.
- The top five most effective internal communication mediums are 1.) Information from supervisor, 2.) All-employee videos from Jeffrey Harrison, 3.) Engauge employee newsletter, 4.) iTrust/SharePoint intranet, and 5.) Microsoft Teams.
- Direct communication from and visibility of management is important to employees.
- Respondents noted that there are many ways to communicate and sometimes information is redundant or unclear. Employees would appreciate training on the various communication tools and applications.
- Survey participants suggested supervisors share presentations given at Leadership Forum with their employees.
- Other suggestions included focusing on Trust-wide values, strategic pillars, and strategic initiatives with internal communications.
- Several respondents provided positive feedback about CEO videos, Microsoft Teams, and the digital Engauge.
At the July Leadership Forum, the results were shared with managers and supervisors, who were encouraged to continue sharing information with their employees and to leverage the Employee Communications Team members as ambassadors for sharing information.
The Employee Communications Team will review the survey results in detail and develop an action plan. In addition, feedback will be incorporated into the upcoming State of the Trust address. Contact Tamiko Kendrick or Mandy Saucerman with questions.