Taking simple safety precautions can prevent serious eye injuries. This month – recognized as Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month – we’re sharing a few facts about eye injuries and reminding you to always keep safety in mind.
According to Prevent Blindness, the nation’s leading volunteer eye health and safety organization, more than 2,000 people injure their eyes at work each day. Up to 20 percent of work-related eye injuries cause temporary or permanent vision loss.
Accidents involving common household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year. Thankfully, 90 percent of these eye injuries are preventable with the use of appropriate safety eyewear. Sports are also a common cause of eye injuries. Every 13 minutes, an emergency room treats a sports-related eye injury. Most eye injuries among kids aged 11 to 14 occur while playing sports.
At home, household cleaners and chemicals are common causes of eye injuries.
In most cases, simple precautions can help you prevent eye injuries. Complete an eye hazard assessment and wear safety eyewear whenever there is a chance of eye injury. Avoid distractions when doing anything that could potentially harm your eyes. Resist the temptation to multi-task when working with tools or other objects near your eyes.
To learn more about eye safety, visit www.PreventBlindness.org.