Parents are cautioned all the time about water safety, but drownings still occur.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that 74 percent of drowning incidents for children younger than 15 between 2015 and 2017 occurred in residential locations. Emergency departments treat about 6,400 pool and spa injuries in children younger than 15 every year.
Practice these precautions from the National Safety Council this summer:
- Never leave your child alone near water.
- Find age-appropriate swim lessons for your child, but keep in mind that lessons do not make your child "drown-proof."
- Lifeguards aren't babysitters; always keep your eyes on your child.
- Don't underestimate the power of water; even rivers and lakes can have undertows.
- Always have a first aid kit handy.
- Get training in CPR.
To improve pool and spa safety, the CPSC launched “Pool Safely: Simple Steps to Save Lives,” a national public education campaign to reduce childhood drownings, submersion injuries and entrapments. You can take a pledge to practice pool safety and get a free toolkit at www.PoolSafely.gov/pledge.