Summer Celebration: Company Picnic Held August 29
Mandy Saucerman on 9/14/21 10:40 AM

Many employees and their families enjoyed a picnic and baseball game at Victory Field on Sunday, August 29.
Citizens’ annual Summer Celebration is an opportunity for employees to visit outside of work, meet each other's families, and enjoy America’s pastime.
Engauge is published by Citizens Energy Group, Corporate Affairs Department, under the direction of Shannon Stahley, Director of Corporate and Public Affairs. It is distributed to the company’s employees and retirees, and to other interested parties upon request.
Editor: Adam Lowe
Graphic Arts: Joel Bustamante and Wayne Stohs
The Corporate Affairs Department welcomes any ideas, comments, or suggestions from readers on how this publication might better serve you. Please email the Corporate Affairs Department at alowe@citizensenergygroup.com.
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