Kenya Perkins, IT Compliance Analyst, spearheaded the coordination and implementation of the Changing Footprints shoe drive from July through August. The shoe drive was a part of a Diversity and Inclusion Committee Initiative, and this was the fifth year the committee partnered with the nonprofit organization. Kenya’s efforts also included organizing volunteer opportunities for two non-profit organizations, Changing Footprints and Westminster Pantry.
Across the Trust, at ten collection sites, employees generously donated more than 500 shoes. Ten Citizen IT members volunteered their time to Changing Footprints in August, sorting and packing 4,000 pairs of worn tennis shoes for Nike Grid, which will be converted into playground equipment. Changing Footprints co-founder Bob Broughton stated, " The 20 service hours from ten group members were absolutely essential to getting this done. A bonus is the fact that more than 200 people will now have heard of Changing Footprints from donating their shoes, and that publicity will spawn many more sorting groups and shoe drives.”
Back row left to right: Richard Jones, Tracye George, Kimberly Rogers, Ali Zadeh, Carla Baber
Front row left to right: Scott Miller, Kenya Perkins, Tracy Webster, LaMont Smith
Kenya believes that volunteering is an excellent way to give back to our community and make a positive contribution to its vitality.