At the July Leadership Forum, Utility Service Specialist Jay Tucker was named the second quarter Customer Champion for going above and beyond during an emergency.
While en route to complete an order for a customer, Jay came upon a building on fire. He noticed someone welding outside the building who seemed to have no idea the building was on fire!
Jay acted with urgency by pulling into the driveway of the business, identifying an unvoiced need by alerting the individual of the fire. Jay demonstrated that he knew the business by putting into practice skills he had learned through Citizens’ fire safety training and collaborated with Dispatcher Panika Allen, who supported him throughout the emergency and relayed pertinent information to the fire department. Jay made it personal by retrieving the fire extinguisher from his van and fighting the fire until the fire department arrived and finished extinguishing the fire.
The business owner expressed his gratitude to Jay for alerting him about the fire and helping save his building and his life!
Congratulations, Jay, and thank you for being a Customer Champion!
Remember, nominations for future Customer Champion Awards can be submitted at any time. Simply click on the Customer Champion Award logo near the bottom of the iTrust home page to complete the form. Nominations are reviewed by a cross-functional team each quarter.