Several videos are being created to provide virtual tours of various Citizens facilities and processes for employees and customers. This initiative was launched as a result of the strategic planning process during fiscal year 2020. The objectives of the project are to educate our customers and stakeholders on the processes associated with our utility services, and to ultimately increase customer satisfaction and reduce negative perceptions. The videos also will serve as a great tool to engage employees and increase their awareness of the services we provide.
This initiative is being led by Jada Buchanan and Jennifer Mentink, who are working with Citizens’ advertising agency, CVR, to produce the videos.
The first video that has been developed highlights the drinking water treatment process. This virtual tour can be found by navigating to The Pipeline from the Employee Resources tab on the iTrust home page. It also is posted on Citizens’ YouTube channel and external website (https://info.citizensenergygroup.com/virtualtour), and will be shared on our social media pages.
Other virtual tour videos planned for production in fiscal year 2021 include the wastewater treatment process, natural gas distribution process, steam production, chilled water production, Shared Field Services, Citizens Reservoir, underground storage and Citizens Westfield.
These images highlight the first two videos, the drinking water process (top right) and wastewater treatment process (directly above).