For the eighth straight year, Citizens Energy Group is the presenting sponsor of the 500 Festival Volunteer Program. Citizens will participate in the 500 Festival Mini Marathon by supporting a pit station. We need 100 volunteers to hand out water to thirsty runners! Employees and their family members and friends are welcome to volunteer. We also want to know if you are participating in the Mini!
Date: May 4, 2019
Time: 5:30-11:45 a.m. (approximate end time)
If you sign up to volunteer before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, you will receive an invitation to Volunteer Appreciation Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
1. Visit the Pit Station volunteer registration website and read the information.
2. Click on the purple "Register Now" box.
3. Select "OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon Pit Station Volunteer."
4. Select "Citizens Energy Group."
5. Complete volunteer registration by either creating a volunteer account, or if you have volunteered for this before, you can use past login information.
Volunteers younger than 18 years of age must complete a waiver, available by contacting Jennifer Mentink at jmentink@citizensenergygroup.com or 317-927-4445.
Running the Mini Marathon?
We want to know!
If you are participating in the Mini Marathon, we would like to feature you on Citizens Energy Group’s social media platforms. When you receive your bib number, please email it to Jada Buchanan at jbuchanan@citizensenergygroup.com so that she can be on the lookout for you and take photos during the race.