Citizens Energy Group received two Platinum awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) at the Utility Leadership Conference on July 24.
Platinum is the highest-level honor in NACWA’s Peak Performance Awards Program, recognizing wastewater and stormwater facilities that have been 100 percent compliant with permits over a consecutive five-year period.
The Belmont Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant earned a Platinum 9 Peak Performance Award for nine consecutive years of 100 percent permit compliance. The Southport Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant was honored with Platinum 18, for 18 consecutive years of 100 percent permit compliance.
Both wastewater treatment plants have complied with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, which limits the amount of pollutants allowed to be released into receiving waterways.
“Achieving this level of consistency is no small feat,” said Chris Kennedy, Manager Process Control and Compliance. “These awards are a testament to the dedication, hard work, and perseverance of our operations, maintenance, and environmental stewardship employees who work together to achieve compliance.”
About half of NACWA’s 350 public utility members had facilities that earned Peak Performance Recognition for the 2021 calendar year.